30 Minute
$35 Monthly
45 Minute
$45 For walk, extra TLC, puppy in household, multiple pet homes, and pets with special diets or special needs.
$55 Limited Availability
Last Minute Fee Reservation requests less than 72 hour notice, existing clients: $35 additional. Less than 72 hours notice, new clients:$50 additional.
Reservations must be made a minimum of 7 days in advance for returning customers and 10 days in advance for new customers. However, emergencies and last minute trips do arise and we will do our best to accommodate those requests.
Payment We accept cash or checks. Payments are due prior to start of service, paid in full. IF PAYMENT BY CHECK: Make out to Snuggles and Hugs Pet Care and left on the kitchen counter.
Cancellation Policy Pet Sitting less than 72 hours fee is 100% of Pet Sitting visits. No credits given for early returns.
Scheduling visits take a significant amount of time to schedule, create invoices, and prepare for the visits. When visits are canceled, further time is necessary to readjust schedules and other clients visits. Cancelling visits without sufficient notice icures lost wages and time spent.
*Cancellation fees are subject to change.
Holiday & Peak Season Policy
1) Holiday Requests require a Non-Refundable/Non-Creditable Payment in FULL. 2) Payment MUST be received before any dates can be held. Your reservation is NOT confirmed until the payment is received. Once received confirmation sent via e-mail.
3) Holiday Requests become inactive if a payment is not received within 7 days.
*Check or Zelle are accepted for payments
4) Each of the following days of the year incur a $5 per visit Holiday Fee Schedule:
Christmas Eve/ Christmas Day/ Day after Christmas/ Thanksgiving and day
after/ Easter/Good Friday/ July 4th/ Labor Day/ Memorial Day/ Mother’s Day/New Year’s Eve and New Year’s Day/ President’s Day
KEY PICK UP/RETURN: Free if key is left on file, after initial consultation, if not $20
WHEN YOU ARRIVE HOME: Let us know when you’ve arrived home. That way we have peace of mind that all is well. If you encounter a challenge and change in plans, contact us immediately so that we can add any visits necessary. We will follow-up by either email or text on the last day of your reservation. Please respond to let us know how we did!
Sick pets should be under the supervision of a professional veterinarian. We will not schedule visits to pets who are known to be ill; however, we will gladly provide service to pets who simply require medication or have special requirements, such as elderly pets or pets that recently had surgery.
Keys we will collect 2 keys from you. We prefer to retain your keys on file for future services or those last minute needs you may have; however, in the event you want your keys returned an additional $20 pick up/drop off fee will apply.
Major holidays are subject to a $35 surcharge. Overnight visits will incur a $35.00 per night surcharge.
*Rates subject to change according to individual needs.